Dog License Information

Town of Williamsburg Dog Licensing Information

State Law and Town Bylaw require dogs to be licensed each year once the dog reaches six (6) months old.

****The licensing period is from April 1st through March 31st each year****

You can license or renew your current license by coming into the Town Clerk's office, you may register by mail by mailing in your payment made out to the "Town of Williamsburg" along with a valid rabies certificate and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Town Clerk
P.O. Box 447
Haydenville, MA 01039

Dog License Application

or you may pay the registration fee online at Unibank.  Please fill in all the information requested or I may not be able to process.  

The dog licensing fees as of 11/21/19 are as follows:

  • Male or Female Dog: $20.00
  • Spayed or Neutered Dog: $10.00
  • Kennel Licenses: See Town Clerk

All outstanding fees must be paid before a new license is issued. If your dog is not registered by the due date further fines will be imposed.

Any questions, please call the Town Clerk's office at (413) 268-8402.